Simplifying The Furniture Process Part 2

The Office Furniture Team & Your Brand
Manage Who is at The Table.
The third key, is to manage the voices and opinions. Who are the ultimate stakeholders? One of the mistakes organizations make is having too many voices, and often not the right voices at the table. You need to make sure the right people are represented, but even one to many people can make the furniture process cumbersome.
Creating a consensus of the stakeholders and trusted advisors will provide a clear path. Establishing this cohesive team early in the furniture selection process will foster a more inclusive environment that encourages collaboration and shared objectives, as opposed to the silo effect, where a department is working towards their own particular interests.
Consider Brand and Culture
Too often, organizations undervalue thoughtful consideration of culture branding and customer experience; these are important things to consider when selecting textiles for your furniture, as well as the types of spaces you want in your office. Work styles vary from person to person and company to company so it is key to select the right office furniture for your specific organizational needs. There has never been a more important time to clearly define who you are as an organization. Be purposeful in directing your customer’s experience and meet the goal of attract and retain. The role of interior design is absolutely necessary in doing this well.
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